
This page will highlight "basic" tech stuff...
so you can use it to be successful.

Give your Android "Voice Action".

Android Voice Action is a FREE App that’s been around
for over 2 years. It is a tool that can help you be successful.

 Watch this short video Google Drive Mobile
With Google Drive apps for Android and iOS, your stuff is also available wherever you are, on any device. Search for and share files, access them offline, collaborate with others in real time on documents and *spreadsheets, and flip through presentations on the go. It's Free folks...

Another FREE tool for your online security.
 “Google buys browser-based malware scanner VirusTotal”

“Even if the acquisition never becomes a tangible product for users, it seems like good news for safer Web browsing.”

PcWorld article

Virus Total website

Computer running slow?... Worried about malicious attacks?

Have you seen those ‘corny’ ads of a bratty teen whining about his slow computer? Well, those online services can make your computer run faster! But, so can you! And you can do it for FREE.

Here are two ‘tools’ I have been using for years. As an example my very old (6+ yrs) and ‘slow’ desktop with a Pentium 4, 2.66 GHz processor and 1.5 GB of Ram (from Standby mode) boots up and is ready to go in less than 15 seconds (I use Google Chrome as my browser). All things considered, that’s pretty darn fast.

Tool #1 Ccleaner Keep your privacy safe online, and make your computer faster and more secure. Downloaded over 950 million times!”

This is the real speed up tool. I could go into the reasons why your computer slows down over time (a very short period of time by the way) but this is “easy business basics”, blog. So lets just say this is an absolutely spectacular tool to use on a daily basis to help you do business better. PS I use Ccleaner 3-4 times a day.
Use the recommended settings or decide yourself what you want Ccleaner to clean.

Tool #2 Malwarebytes  “Malwarebytes products have a proven record of protecting computers by completely removing all forms of malware.”

This tool gets rid of stuff the cyber world dumps onto your computer as you move across the web. When you are on the internet there is a constant barrage of malware attempting find a home. These sometimes malicious bits of code will find your computer and set you up for experiences you don’t want and didn’t ask for... some can be disastrous.

A comment about putting these tools to work.
Something we all are going to have to accept! Anything, whether it be some new software or a new way to organize or new smartphone to make our business better REQUIRES us to take the time to learn how to use it. Don’t expect miracles, they don’t happen! YOU have to make it happen!

Just a quick word about FREE...
The folks that create these truly useful tools are not necessarily in it just for “fun”.  They are business people and want to make money. So, after you use the tools and find out how really good they are, consider the paid versions. Those versions do offer extra and it just may be worth it.

When I was checking my Blog, prior to going “live” all seemed good. Since I use Google Chrome  (faster than IE) I needed to make one last check how did my blog look on Internet Explorer? So I tried it... All of it looked fine (albeit much slower to load etc). But, one thing hit me right away. Some of the words or combination of words in the body of my blog had been linked. Linked to annoying ads. The kind that pop up and require closing (X out) before they disappear. All you do is hover over them and they pop up... *#@%*+%#... You can’t get much more annoying than that. So my first offering on the Technology Page of this Blog is a way to stop that nonsense.

Ad Blocking Software … here are two choices. Trust me installing them will make your web experience better.

Adblock for Chrome (available at the Chrome Web Store)

Adblock for Internet Explorer (available at this link)

things you might like to know...
As of June 2012 
Google Chrome is the
most used web browser.